(Program subject to change)

(In person +virtual)

Registration and Breakfast

7:30 am – 8:00 am

Welcome and opening remarks

8:00 am - 8:10 am

(Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar - Scientific Co-chair, Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx - Scientific Co-chair and Mrs. Bahareh Cloutier)

Plenary I - Clinical Diagnosis

8:10 am - 9:15 am

Introduction to Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH): Overview, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Precipitating Factors, Pathogenesis, Clinical presentation and assessment

  • Speaker: Dr. Danny Monsour (BIO)

Challenges in diagnosis and reasons not to miss a diagnosis of SIH: Challenges in diagnostic criteria, Differential diagnosis, Utility of LP OP, morbidity and disability/QoL, and potential long-term complications

  • Speaker: Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar (BIO)

Q & A - Clinical Diagnosis – Moderator: Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx (BIO)

(all Q & A sessions and round table discussions for virtual platform) Moderator: Dr. Tommy Chan (BIO)

Plenary II - Radiographic Modalities

9:15 am – 10:35 am

MRI Brain & Spine – Findings, Bern Score, ONS diameter, subtle findings, optimal protocol

  • Speaker: Dr. Andrew Callen (BIO)

Digital subtraction myelography (DSM) – Utility/optimal technique for different CSF leak types, tricks and pitfalls

  • Speaker: Dr. Richard Farb (BIO)

Static CT Myelography, dynamic CT Myelography & Photon Counting CT Myelography – When to use each, optimal techniques, pros/cons

  • Speaker: Dr. Andrew Callen (BIO)

Q & A - Radiographic Modalities - Moderator: Dr. Anish Kapadia BIO

Plenary III - Treatment Strategies - Percutaneous

10:55 am – 12:10 pm

Epidural blood Patch – Technique, mechanism, outcomes of non-targeted vs. targeted patching

  • Speaker: Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx (BIO)

Fibrin glue Patch– When to use, optimal technique, special tips and tricks, outcomes

  • Speaker: Dr. Andrew Callen (BIO)

Long-Term Epidural Patching Outcomes and Predictors of Benefit in Patients With Suspected CSF Leak Nonconforming to ICHD-3 Criteria

  • Speaker: Dr. Ian Carroll (BIO)

Q & A - Percutaneous treatment – Moderator: Dr. Howard Meng (BIO)

Plenary IV - Treatment Strategies beyond percutaneous therapies

1:00 pm to 2:55 pm

Embolization – Technique, pros and cons, to embolize or not to embolize, tips and tricks

  • Speaker:  Dr. Eef Hendricks (BIO)

Surgical interventions:

Surgical techniques for various leak types, tips, tricks, and pitfalls

  • Speaker: Dr. Stephan Duplessis (BIO)

Complex cases, Imaging negative cases

  • Speaker:  Dr. Wouter Schievink (BIO)

Minimally invasive surgery for spinal CSF leak, and challenges in Canada for SIH surgical treatment

  • Speaker: Dr. Eric Massicotte (BIO)

Rebound Intracranial Hypertension (RIH), other post-treatment complications, post-treatment recommendations

  • Speaker: Dr. Wouter Schievink (BIO)

Q & A - Embolization and Surgery – Moderator: Dr. Ian Carroll (BIO)

Round Table Discussions and Q&A – Moderator: Dr. Philip Peng (BIO)

3:20pm - 4:20 pm

Plenary V - Canadian Research update/Spinal CSF leak Canada initiatives

4:20 pm to 5:00 pm

Canadian Consensus Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of SIH

  • Speaker: Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar (BIO)

Canadian Research Highlights

  • Speakers:  Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar (BIO), Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx (BIO)

Spinal CSF leak Canada initiatives and closing Remarks

  • Speaker: Bahareh Cloutier (BIO)

(In person with virtual option only available for patients’ session)

Registration and Breakfast

8:00 am to 8:30 am

8:30 am - 10:30 am

All in person, no virtual options

Interactive, case-based, more in depth discussion of complex cases and situations, with possible hands-on experience or videos as appropriate:

  • Neurology

Speakers: Dr. Farnaz Amoozegar (BIO), Dr. Danny Monsour (BIO) and Dr. Tommy Chan (BIO)

  • Neuroradiology

Speakers: Dr. Andrew Callen (BIO), Dr. Richard Farb (BIO) and Dr. Eef Hendriks (BIO)

  • Anesthesiology

Speakers: Dr. Ian Carroll (BIO), Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx (BIO), Dr. Howard Meng (BIO)

  • Neurosurgery

Speakers: Dr. Wouter Schievink BIO, Dr. Stephan Duplessis (BIO) and Dr. Eric Massicotte (BIO)

8:30 am - 10:30 am

(Connecting with your community)

In person and virtual option

Moderators: Dr. Rosann Seviour and Bahareh Cloutier

Moderator for virtual platform (for all Q & A sessions): TBC

Bridging the Gap: strategies for coping and healing during and after a spinal CSF leak

  • Speaker: Dr. Rosann Seviour (BIO)

    Q & A

Managing the emotional and mental toll of SIH

  • Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Curtis (BIO)

    Q & A

Caregiver testimonials – support - tips and tools ex/self-care

  • Speaker: Amy St.Aubin (BIO)

    Q & A

Role of advocacy

  • Speaker: Bahareh Cloutier (BIO)

    Q & A

*Please note that this program will be offered in English.